Question Title

* 1. Educator Name

Question Title

* 2. School:

Question Title

* 3. City/Town

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* 4. Email Address

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* 5. As an educator, what agriculture and food topics (related to new curriculum) do you need more information about? "Check all that apply"

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* 6. Which of the areas below do your students show interest in or have questions about? "Check all that apply"

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* 7. What form of information delivery do you find most useful for your students? "Check all that apply"

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* 8. What learning strategies do you use to develop Research and Inquiry skills in your students (e.g. exploring, investigating, processing information, communicating and reflecting)?

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* 9. What are your preferences for assessment and evaluation tools (e.g. rubrics, success criteria)?

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* 10. Other comments about your resource needs for the new Social Sciences and Humanities curriculum (grades 9-12).