Call for Information

Do you know of a successful local, state, or national program that supports family caregivers of individuals with disabilities and/or seniors? Tell us about it.

The Family Support Research and Training Center is doing a national search to identify promising practices and programs. We will share what we learn with aging and disability advocates across the country.

Question Title

* 1. What is the name of the program or practice?

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* 2. Where is it located?

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* 3. What population(s) of caregivers does the program primarily serve? (check all that apply)

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* 4. What services and supports does the program primarily provide? (check all that apply)

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* 5. Please describe the program. What makes it innovative? Is there evidence of successful outcomes?

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* 6. How can we find out more about the program? Please provide links to information available online, evaluations, reports, journal articles. Please provide contact information for people we can email or call to find out more about the program.

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* 7. Can we follow up with you to learn more about this promising practice?

Thank you for your assistance.

For more information:
Family Support Research and Training Center Website:
If you have questions, call the Family Support Research and Training Center at the University of Illinois at Chicago: (844) 781-4158