How did we do?

We are committed to monitoring the quality of the FLC Transfer Student Orientation Program. Your feedback and suggestions will help us make this an even better program in the future. (All submissions are anonymous.)

Question Title

* 1. Residency

Question Title

* 2. Did family members accompany you to Orientation?

Question Title

* 3. Housing

Question Title

* 4. Major status

Question Title

* 5. Age

Question Title

* 6. Gender

Question Title

* 7. Please rate the following aspects of our Transfer Student Orientation Process.

  Excellent Good Adequate Poor Unacceptable N/A
Orientation information during the advising process
Check-in process (Student Union or Student Life Center)
Materials packet (at check-in)
Customer service attitude/skills of Orientation Staff
Dining services

Question Title

* 8. Please tell us about your Orientation experience

  Very Much Somewhat Not very much N/A
I felt welcomed by the Fort Lewis College community
I made some connections with other new students
I am more familiar with the physical layout of the campus
I feel better about my decision to attend Fort Lewis College
I have a better understanding of the mission of the College
I have a better understanding of the resources available to me at FLC
I am more aware of my rights and responsibilities with the FLC community

Question Title

* 9. Please rate the following programs

  Valuable session and well presented Somewhat valuable session Session/Program was not useful Did not attend
Explore... but Finish in Four
Welcome Luncheon with President Thomas
Professor's Perspective for Transfer Students
Fall Convocation
Computer Session (Saturday am)

Question Title

* 10. To what degree did our Transfer Student Orientation Program answer your questions and address your concerns?

Question Title

* 11. What piece of valuable information did you learn at Transfer Orientation

Question Title

* 12. What was most beneficial to you about the Orientation program?