1. Organizational Support Program (OSP) Intent to Apply - Due by November 30, 2014

The City of San Diego Commission for Arts and Culture provides funding on a reimbursement basis to nonprofit organizations through two programs. Please refer to the Funding Page of the Commission’s website to make sure that you are submitting the correct Intent to Apply Form. This form is for the Organizational Support Program (OSP). Please complete this form by November 30, 2014.

You must be able to answer "Yes" to Questions 3, 4, 5 and 6 in order to be eligible to apply to the OSP.

The Application Deadline is January 31, 2015.

If you have any questions, please email Gary Margolis, Funding Program Manager

* Indicates a required response.

Question Title

* 1. Contact Information: PC stands for "Primary Contact."

ED stands for "Executive Director." We ask for an ED "Title" because some groups use a different term.

For the "ED Start Date," please provide the year. We may need this information to verify Short Form eligibility, if applicable.

Question Title

* 2. Based on your last completed fiscal year's Annual Operating Income, which level are you?

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* 3. Nonprofit Status: We are able to demonstrate proof of tax exempt nonprofit status under section 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code at the time of application.

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* 4. Location: At least 75% of our core programming takes place within San Diego City limits.For the purposes of this application, core programming is defined as the artistic and/or cultural activities produced or presented by your organization that are essential to the fulfillment of your mission and purpose, your highest priority and fundamental to your organization’s sustainability. Under this definition, and with some exceptions, core programming does not include education, outreach, touring, and cultural tourism marketing activities.

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* 5. Primary Mission: Our organization’s mission statement addresses the creation, preservation and presentation of arts and culture programming and/or support services.

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* 6. Track Record: Our organization has a three (3) year history of ongoing arts and culture programming within the City of San Diego prior to the deadline.

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* 7. Which application Form does your organization plan to submit?

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* 8. If you indicated above that you plan to apply using the Short Form, you must be able to check "yes" to all of the items below:

  Yes No
1) Our organization has satisfactorily completed OSP contracts for the three (3) most recent completed fiscal years (FY12, FY13, FY14).
2) Our organization holds a FY15 rank of 3+ or higher.
3) Our organization’s executive, artistic and/or administrative staff has/have not changed during the past year.
4) Our venue has not changed during the past year.
5) Our average annual operating fund deficit for the past two completed fiscal years has not exceeded 5%.The definition of operating fund is the FASB Unrestricted Fund less its Property and Equipment (Fixed Assets) and In-kind components.

If you have no deficit, check "yes."

6) FY16 programming will be similar to FY15. This means (for example) if you are a dance company in FY15, you will still be a dance company in FY16. Obviously your selection of works/exhibits to be presented will change.
7) We are on track to complete FY15 deliverables as set forth in the FY15 Contract Exhibit A.
8) For at least one of the past three applications (FY13, FY14, FY15), our organization submitted a Long Form Application.Note: There is a 3-year limit to Short Form applications before a Long Form must be submitted again.
9) Our organization submitted its FY14 OSP Final Report by September 30, 2014.

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* 9. Short Form Applicants Only
If you answered "Yes" to all of the questions above and are, therefore, planning to submit a Short Form application - understanding that your organization will retain its FY15 rank - please answer the following:

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* 10. Certification:

With the submittal of this Intent to Apply Form to the Commission, the organization acknowledges that the deadline for the FY16 OSP Application is Saturday, January 31, 2015. The organization also acknowledges that Commision staff will verify elements of this Form, for example, compliance with Final Report deadline and operating deficits and that the Commission reserves the right to require any organization not in compliance with all of the requirements for Short Form eligibility to apply using the Long Form.

  I accept these terms. I do not accept these terms.
By checking "I accept these terms," the organization certifies that the content of this Form is true and accurate, that the content has been reviewed and approved by the organization's chief executive staff member, and that the organization understands and agrees to the above terms.
When you click "done" below, you will be redirected to our website. When this occurs, you know that you have successfully submitted this survey. Thank you!