Dear Sir/Ma’am,

The research theme group of the WONCA Young Doctors Movement for Africa (i.e AfriWon Renaissance) is carrying out a study to explore the competency needs, perceived challenges during the residency period and reasons for the College examination failure rates witnessed among FM trainees across sub-Saharan Africa.

This is a study carried out by the theme group as part of its quality improvement projects in Family Medicine Education and training in sub-Saharan Africa.

Participation involves filling the questionnaire below as objectively and as sincerely as possible. There are three sections: one on your competencies as a FM Trainee, the second on what significant challenges you face as a FM Trainee and the third on why residents from your centre fail exams. You may find it a bit lengthy,but we crave your indulgence to please answer all questions as the information so acquired will be used to start advocacy for improving the learning experience of the African Family Medicine trainee.

We would be grateful to have your input as we assure you that confidentiality will be maintained. Should you have a problem moving from one page to the next,its most likely a question was left unanswered,kindly check. Should you still have any difficulty while answering the survey kindly call Dr Yakubu on +2348034318633.

Please tick the option below stating if you agree to be part of the study or not.

Question Title

* 1. After reading the above,