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* 1. Information on respondent?

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* 2. Are you interested in continuing to learn about local dedicated funding streams for California's children, youth and families?

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* 3. Are you part of a network, task force, or other collaborative group in your city or county that is, or could be, working together to learn more about dedicated local funding streams for children, youth and families?

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* 4. What issues are you interested in learning more about? (check all that apply)

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* 5. What type of help would work the best for you? (check all that apply)

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* 6. How would you describe where you are in the process of developing a local dedicated funding stream for children, youth and their families? (Pick the choice that best fits your circumstances.)

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* 7. Are you interested in becoming part of a learning community that would share information electronically, track and share your progress, help select issues for trainings and meetings, participate in webinars, and attend at least one in-person meeting a year?

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* 8. What else would be helpful for Funding the Next Generation to know that might contribute to our ability to provide maximum support to communities throughout the state? This could include feedback on our work to date, specific ideas for events or strategies, tools you would like to see developed, experts you would to see recruited to be part of the Funding the Next Generation team, etc. (Note: Response can be as long as you need.)

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* 9. Other comments or ideas? (Note: Response can be as long as you need.)