
This survey addresses faculty attitudes about assessment. It was developed by CLAS Faculty Council, based on feedback from the Out of the Box events from Fall 2013. As stated in the GVSU Guiding Principles of Assessment: Grand Valley believes that to be effective, assessment planning and implementation must include:

• a clear plan for and designation of the party or parties responsible for collecting and analyzing all pieces of assessment data, and the provision of adequate resources to support this collection and analysis;

• regular, frequent collection and analysis of assessment data;

• multiple measures of key learning outcomes;

• clarity about the audience and distribution of all assessment reports or findings (ex. faculty, students, dean, alumni, community members, etc.).

All information collected here is completely anonymous. We receive the responses as part of a dataset, not as individual responses. We will not know whether or not a particular faculty member responded.

Question Title

* Please respond to the following items. Please select the response that best represents your position for each item.

  Strongly agree Somewhat agree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Not applicable No Opinion
Assessment takes a lot of time, but provides a worthwhile amount of insight also.
I feel that assessment will improve education overall at Grand Valley.
Assessment forces me to develop the content of my courses in ways that are NOT the best for the students.
I feel that assessment provides useful insight.
I only conduct assessment because it is required.

Question Title

* Please respond to the following items. Please select the response that best represents your position for each item.

  Strongly agree Somewhat agree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Not applicable No Opinion
Assessment is simply a tool to try and measure educational quality and outcomes.
In general, teaching at the college level should be more standardized as one means to improve the quality of education.
As a result of assessment, the content of my courses has improved in ways that benefit the students.
My department values assessment.
Assessment forces me to teach my classes in ways that are NOT the best for the students.
Assessment helped me to learn things about my teaching I likely would not have learned otherwise.

Question Title

* Please respond to the following items. Please select the response that best represents your position for each item.

  Strongly agree Somewhat agree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Not applicable No Opinion
As a result of assessment, my teaching has improved in ways that benefit the students.
In general, attempts to standardize education at the college level will lower the quality of education.
I feel that assessment will make no difference in the quality of education at Grand Valley.
Assessment is a waste of time and resources.
Assessment is part of a larger agenda to reduce the importance of professors’ expertise.

Question Title

* What are the primary strengths of assessment?

Question Title

* What are the primary weaknesses?

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* Please provide any additional comments.

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* Please select gender.

Question Title

* Are you tenured?

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* What is your rank?

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* Approximately how much time do you spend on assessment each semester?

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* What is your primary department?