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Adopted and Modified by Indiana Prevention Resource Center from
Youth Community Survey Form -- Center for Substance Abuse Prevention

Survey Form

This survey is voluntary. If you choose to take it, you may skip any question you don’t want to answer.

This survey asks about your experience and opinion on a number of things related to alcohol, tobacco, and drug use. Your answers to these questions will be confidential. That means no one will connect your answers with your name or any other information about you that can identify who you are. To help us keep your answers anonymous, please do not write your name on this survey form.

The information in this survey will be used to learn more about the effectiveness of programs in preventing substance abuse and protecting youth.

This is not a test, so there are no right or wrong answers. Some questions may ask you to select all of the answers that are relevant, and others ask you to select a single answer. If the question asks for a single answer and you don’t find an answer that exactly fits, choose one that comes closest.

Thank you for agreeing to participate in this survey.