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* 1. Please choose the role that best describes you.

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* 2. What type of company best describes where you work?

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* 3. Which industry most closely fits the organization you work for?

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* 4. Do you see yourself actively seeking a new job in the next year?

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* 5. In three years, where do you see yourself?

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* 6. How did you learn about OpenCo?

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* 7. How far did you travel to attend OpenCo?

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* 8. If you attended Host company sessions, how many did you attend?

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* 9. What was the best Host company presentation you saw, and why?"

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* 10. What was your primary mode of transportation between sessions?

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* 11. Did you have enough time between sessions to allow for transportation?

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* 12. Overall how would you rate your OpenCo experience?

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* 13. Do you plan to return to OpenCo next year?

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* 14. What else could we do to improve your OpenCo experience?

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* 15. What is your gender?

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* 16. Please indicate your age group:

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* 17. If you would like to win an exclusive OpenCo Amsterdam 2014 T-Shirt, fill out your email address here: