UST Human Subjects Committee: Informed Consent to Participate in Research

We are asking for your participation in the research project, described below. Your participation in this study is voluntary, and you may refuse to participate, or you may decide to stop your participation at any time. Should you refuse to participate, withdraw your consent, or stop participating in the study, your decision will involve no penalty or loss of benefits to which you may be entitled otherwise. Please read the information below carefully, and ask questions about anything you do not understand before deciding whether to participate.

Title: Assessing Behaviors and Attitudes

Student Investigators: Kristen Becker, Paula Calero, Rosalyn deTranaltes, Kim Dinh, Samantha Georges, Robert Jolly, Danielle Mendez, Adam Mendonca, Fernando Moreno, & Alin Nguyen

Faculty Sponsor: Carl Scott, Ph.D.

PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: We want to assess behaviors and attitudes of UST students.
PROCEDURES: Students will complete a set of questionnaires using Survey Monkey. We will email the link to interested students.
EXPECTED DURATION: We anticipate your time commitment to be approximately 20 minutes.

RISKS OF PARTICIPATION: There are no anticipated risks associated with participation in this project.

BENEFITS TO THE SUBJECT: In the psychology department, you can earn extra credit worth one-ninth of a letter grade for a study that lasts under one hour. Otherwise, there is no direct benefit received from participating in this study, but your participation will help the investigators better understand people’s attitudes and behaviors.

ANONYMOUS RECORDS: Your research materials will be anonymous, and thus pose no risk to your privacy. The data collected from the study will be used for educational and publication purposes, and will be reported in aggregated form. Your participation in the study will be evidence of your consent.
FINANCIAL COMPENSATION: There is no financial compensation for participation in the study.
INVESTIGATOR’S RIGHT TO WITHDRAW PARTICIPANT: The investigator has the right to withdraw you from this study at any time.
If you have additional questions during the course of this study about the research or any related problem, you may contact the either of two of the student researchers, Rosalyn deTranaltes or Fernando Moreno at phone number 713-525-3182, or by email at or You may contact the faculty sponsor, Carl Scott, Ph.D., at phone number 713-525-3182 or by email at
THIS RESEARCH STUDY HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY THE HUMAN SUBJECTS COMMITTEE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ST. THOMAS. For additional information concerning your rights as a human subject, please contact Dominic Aquila, Vice-President of Academic Affairs, 713-525-2164.