Question Title

* 1. Please rank the development requests below from 1 (most important) to 9 (least important).

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
OPAC: Browse option for search results. Patrons and staff members would like to have the option to browse collections by Title, Author, or Subject.
OPAC: Addition to Relevance Sort by Option. Relevance is the default sort option in the Search Results screen. Relevance Sort by option will also take into account the number of holdings on the record and will cause MARC records with the highest number of holdings on them to appear at the top of the search results.
OPAC: Limit search by shelving location. Staff or patrons want to be able to limit their search by a local shelving location. This is very important for being able to quickly and efficiently limit a search.
OPAC: Call Number will display after adding titles to My Lists in My Account. Currently, title and author display. Adding the call number to the My List would make it easier to print the list and take it to the shelf to find the item.
CIRCULATION: Expand upon Transaction Type options in when applying a manual bill. Grocery, Circulation, etc.
CIRCULATION: Allow a manually set due date to remain throughout an entire checkout session. Although, it is recommended to rely on the assigned circ modifier to create a due date for the item being checked out, there are special circumstances which warrant setting the same manual due date for all patrons and items during a checkout session.
CIRCULATION: Photos of patron saved in the database.
CIRCULATION: Email option for checkout receipts. Patrons or staff could choose to email a checkout receipt to a patron.
REPORTS: Reports are searchable. Staff member can keyword search in the reports module to find a report that may be relevant.

Question Title

* 2. Suggest a desired functionality that does not appear in the above list. Please describe the Evergreen module (circulation, cataloging, reports, etc.) and give step-by-step instructions if necessary. Providing examples is always encouraged.