1. Application for Value Based Leadership Baltic Sea Region, 2013

100% of survey complete.
This application is for the course starting on 29th of August - 1st of September 2013. In order for us to have some basic data for a phone interview, we would like you to answer the following questions.

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* 1. Contact information

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* 2. Age

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* 3. Sex

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* 4. Organization

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* 5. Current position
(Describe your current leadership activities. For how long have you been in this position?)

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* 6. Earlier leadership experience
(What was your first leadership position, Which positions have you held?)

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* 7. Have you taken any leadership courses? If so, when and where?

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* 8. This is how I believe my friends would describe me.

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* 9. Describe your weak and strong areas in leadership.

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* 10. Important issues
(What are you passionate about? Why do you want to take this course?)

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* 11. Future
(How will you use what you learn during this course? How do you view your future as a leader?)

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* 12. Increased cooperation
One objective for this course is to increase cooperation between Scouts and Guides in east (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Russia) and west (Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Iceland and Germany).
How can you help us to achieve this?

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* 13. Which references would you like to supply? This should be people who know you as a leader.

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* 14. Anything else you would like to add