Question Title

We Need Your Help!
Welcome to our annual Students’ Union satisfaction survey. The survey will take about ten minutes to complete. Your views and opinions are essential if we are to improve the services we provide to you, our members. On behalf of the student officers and staff of the Union we would like to thank you, in advance for your time in filling out this survey. To say thank you we would love to treat you to a mars bar, please find your code at the end of the survey.

Many Thanks

Your Full Time Officers!

We Need Your Help!<br>Welcome to our annual Students’ Union satisfaction survey. The survey will take about ten minutes to complete.  Your views and opinions are essential if we are to improve the services we provide to you, our members.  On behalf of the student officers and staff of the Union we would like to thank you, in advance for your time in filling out this survey.  To say thank you we would love to treat you to a mars bar, please find your code at the end of the survey.<br><br>Many Thanks<br><br>Your Full Time Officers!    <br>