Question Title

* 1. If they were available at a price and schedule that works for you, which PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT classes *would you take In the 2014-15 school year* to help you excel at work?
(Please check all that you would take this year.)

Question Title

* 2. If available at a price and schedule that works for you, which of the following COMPUTER classes *would you take in the 2014-15 school year*?
(Check all that you would take this year.)

Question Title

* 3. If you are interested in professional development classes, would you rather take them during the:

Question Title

* 4. If you are interesting in CHANGING OR STARTING A NEW CAREER, would you consider pursuing one of the following career paths in the coming year? (Only select one.)

Question Title

* 5. If available at a price and schedule that works for you, what type of PERSONAL ENRICHMENT classes would you or someone in your house take In the 2014-15 school year?
(Please check all that you would actually take in the coming year.)

Question Title

* 6. On a scale of 1 to 4, how interested would you be in TRAVELING with a Continuing Ed group in the latter half of 2015 to:

  Not at all interested Interested but 2015 and/or Place doesn't work for me Seriously interested but need more info I'm IN- let's go!
ROME, VENICE AND FLORENCE? (Est. cost for 9 days, including all transportation, lodging, breakfast and tours: $3,500)
United States NATIONAL PARKS? (estimated cost for 10 days: $2,500)
Short trips by bus, van or train? (est. $500-$800 for 2-4 days)