Welcome to the Deloitte Christmas Retailers’ Survey 2013

The purpose of the survey is to provide insights and analysis for the Christmas 2013 trading period based on the expectations of Australian retailers.

The survey results will be summarised and developed into a report by Deloitte which will be distributable to you in early October, to assist in your planning for the Christmas 2013 trading period. All participants will receive a copy of the final report that will provide analysis into the survey results, along with key trends and insights into the retail industry.

Discretion and confidentiality is paramount to Deloitte. While we request your name, company and contact details, these are used only to determine the source of responses to the survey and to distribute the final report. Personal and specific business information will not in any way be used in the report.

The information provided in the survey will only be used by the Deloitte Retail Survey team, and will not be distributed to any other parties either within Deloitte or externally.

About the survey
This survey comprises of 25 questions (including 5 demographic questions) and should take you no longer than 10 minutes to complete.

Your assistance in completing the survey is appreciated.

Thank you for your participation.