NYS DMV Customer Satisfaction Survey

Dear DMV Customer,

In an effort to provide excellent customer service, we are asking for your help in telling us about your most recent experience at the DMV. We would very much appreciate it if you would take a few minutes to fill out this brief survey.

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1. Please enter the date of your office visit.

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3. Based on your most recent visit to a DMV office, how would you rate the service you received overall?

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4. How would you rate the courtesy of the employees who served you?

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5. How prompt was the service you received in the office?

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6. How would you describe the amount of time spent in the office on your most recent visit?

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7. How would you rate the hours of operation of the office you visited?

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8. Please select the option that describes your experience in completing your most recent in-office DMV transaction.

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9. Prior to visiting the DMV office, did you: (check all that apply)

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10. Why did you select the office that you recently visited? (check all that apply)

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11. Which of the following would most improve your experience at a NYS DMV office?

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12. In your opinion, what is the one most important thing DMV could do to improve its service to you?

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13. Do you have any additional comments you would like to provide regarding your recent visit to a DMV office?