Please provide your name & daytime contact information at the bottom of the survey to be entered in the drawing for a $20 WalMart gift card.

Question Title

* 1. Section 1: My primary site is:

Question Title

* 2. Section 2: I am a:

Question Title

* 3. Section 3: Please check one answer for each of the following:
How would you rate each of the following library services?

  Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know/Not applicable
Customer service
Collection (Books, DVDs, Newspapers, etc.)
Online Services (Website, catalog, databases, etc.)
Library Policies
Computers and Printers
Hours of operation
Overall, how would you rate the library?

Question Title

* 4. Section 4: Please indicate whether or not you use you use the databases

Question Title

* 5. Section 5: What classes did you use the databases for?

Question Title

* 6. Section 6: How could the library or its services be improved?
Or any other comments.

Question Title

* 7. Please provide your daytime contact information (name and phone number and/or email address)