
***This survey will take approximately 5 minutes***

Recognizing the increasing interest in street design that accommodates all ages, abilities and modes of getting around, the Toronto Centre for Active Transportation is developing a resource of existing or planned (with funding approved) “Complete Streets” projects in the Greater Golden Horseshoe. We are working to create an easy-to-reference online catalogue designed to aid municipalities and communities who are moving forward on their own Complete Streets projects. This is a short-term project (to be completed by March 31, 2014) funded by the Ontario Growth Secretariat’s Places to Grow Implementation Fund.

Complete Streets are designed for all ages, abilities and modes of travel and can be achieved in a variety of ways. Municipalities typically use an approach that suits their local conditions, meaning that Complete Streets are diverse in their design and implementation.

The purpose of this questionnaire is to collect a baseline of information regarding the Complete Streets projects within the Greater Golden Horseshoe. Once we build out an inventory of existing conditions, we will ‘zoom in’ on several key examples that will be featured in our web-based catalogue.

We would appreciate your involvement in our study by completing the short questionnaire below. Even if the topic has not been sufficiently discussed at your municipality or organization or does not apply, we still would like to hear from you. Thank you for taking the time!

Question Title

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