
There are a number of different factors which are important to consider when making a product related business decision. Below is a list we have compiled based on industry engagement and business literature review.

Question Title

* Please rank the top 5 factors you believe are most important when making a product related business decision at the present time.
(1 = most important, 2 = second most important etc)

  1 2 3 4 5
Brand reputation
Circular economy
Customer demand
Energy costs
Health and safety of materials
Manufacturability of materials
Material costs
Product performance
Speed of production
Supply chain risk

Question Title

* Your expectation of what you think are likely to be the top 5 most important in 5 years time (where 1 = most important, 2 = second most important etc)

  1 2 3 4 5
Brand reputation
Circular economy
Customer demand
Energy costs
Health and safety of materials
Manufacturability of materials
Material costs
Product performance
Speed of production
Supply chain risk

Question Title

* Please state your reasoning for your top choice for the current situation.

Question Title

* Please state your reasoning for your top choice for the expectation in 5 years time

Question Title

* Please give any other considerations you believe to also be important and state why for
A) the current situation
B) the expectation in 5 years time