Question Title

* 1. Information about Being in a Research Study
Clemson University


Description of the Study and Your Part in It
Robert Barcelona, Ph.D and Jon Evans are inviting you to take part in a research study. Robert Barcelona is a professor at Clemson University. Jon Evans is a graduate student at Clemson University, running this study with the help of Robert Barcelona. The purpose of this research is to determine the motivations of whitewater kayakers.

Your part in the study will be to complete a self-reporting survey.

It will take you about 10-15 minutes to be in this study.

Risks and Discomforts
We do not know of any risks or discomforts to you in this research study.

Possible Benefits
This research may help us to understand the motivations of whitewater kayakers. It is the design of this study to measure whether motivations are internal or external and how kayaker's leisure is measured.

Protection of Privacy and Confidentiality
The only personal information you will asked to provide is your age, sex, the region of the United States you most identify with, and what classification of whitewater you are most confident in paddling. Your privacy is of paramount concern to Clemson University and we will do everything we can to protect your privacy and confidentiality. We will not tell anybody outside of the research team that you were in this study or what information we collected about you in particular.

Choosing to Be in the Study
You do not have to be in this study. You may choose not to take part and you may choose to stop taking part at any time. There are no consequences if you decide not to be in the study or stop taking part in the study.

Contact Information
If you have any questions or concerns about this study or if any problems arise, please contact Robert Barcelona, Ph.D at Clemson University at (864) 656-1891. If you have any questions or concerns about your rights in this research study, please contact the Clemson University Office of Research Compliance (ORC) at 864-656-6460 or If you are outside of the Upstate South Carolina area, please use the ORC's toll-free number, 866-297-3071.