1. Introduction

A national survey of chiropractors and osteopaths

You are invited to participate in this research project being conducted by Dr Simon French (University of Melbourne), Dr Bruce Walker (Murdoch University) and Dr John Reggars (COCA Vice President) on behalf of the Executive of the Chiropractic & Osteopathic College of Australasia (COCA).

You have been approached to complete this survey because you are a current COCA member. This survey has been approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee at the University of Melbourne.

This survey is designed to help COCA understand how you practice, your style of practice and what you do in your practice. If you are not currently practising as a chiropractor or osteopath, we would still value your responses. The survey should take around 15 minutes to complete. It is important for COCA to understand your practice and your thoughts about your profession. COCA can use this information to improve our member services and benefits.

This first section of the survey is about you and your professional education. The next sections of the survey you complete will depend on whether you currently practice or not (the online survey will direct you to relevant sections of the survey depending on your responses). If you practice as both a chiropractor and an osteopath please complete all questions in this survey, including the specific questions about chiropractic & osteopathy.

We intend to protect your anonymity and the confidentiality of your responses to the fullest possible extent, within the limits of the law. We are planning to publish a summary of the results of the survey in COCA News and submit an article for publication in a relevant journal. No individual will be identified in any reports of the results of the survey. All data will be kept securely in the Primary Care Research Unit in the University of Melbourne for five years from the date of publication, before being destroyed.

Please answer all relevant questions. We understand that for some questions it is not possible to provide a specific answer and in those instances please respond with your best estimate from the options available. Note that questions with an asterisk are mandatory questions and require an answer. All other questions can be skipped, although please answer as many as possible.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. Should you wish to withdraw at any stage, or to withdraw any unprocessed data you have supplied, you are free to do so without prejudice. The researchers are not involved in the ethics application process. Your decision to participate or not, or to withdraw, will be completely independent of your dealings with COCA.

If you would like to participate, please complete the survey by clicking on the “Next” button below. Completing the survey is an indication that you consent to participate in this project.

Should you require any further information, or have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact either of the researchers: Dr Simon French: 03 8344-5536 or s.french@unimelb.edu.au; Dr Bruce Walker 08 9360-1297 or Bruce.Walker@murdoch.edu.au. Should you have any concerns about the conduct of the project, please contact the Executive Officer, Human Research Ethics, The University of Melbourne, on ph: 03 8344 2073, or fax: 03 9347 6739