Dear Friend,

As you probably know, a search is now underway to find the next president of Sioux Falls Seminary. Before the search committee begins to review applications for the seminary presidency, the committee would like to have a sense of what qualities the various constituencies of the seminary—students, faculty, staff, alumni, donors, friends, board members—think are important. Because of your connection to Sioux Falls Seminary, we would like for you to participate in the process.

We would appreciate it if you would take the time to complete this questionnaire. It should not take you long, and we would value your input.

Thank you in advance for your willingness to help.

The Sioux Falls Seminary Presidential Search Committee

Question Title

* 1. First, how you would describe your primary relationship to the Sioux Falls Seminary. We realize that you may describe your relationship to SFS a number of ways, but if you were to pick the one that you considered the most important, what would it be?

Question Title

* 2. Below is a list of 20 items. Please indicate how important it is that an SFS presidential candidate have that trait or experience.

  Not Important Somewhat Important Very Important Absolutely Essential
Actively involved in scholarly endeavors
Adheres to Evangelical theology
Administrative experience in college or seminary
Business degree
Connections to the Sioux Falls region
Denominational leader
Earned doctorate
Effective public speaker
Is ordained
Management experience
Pastoral experience
Peace keeper
Proven fundraiser
Seeks consensus
Skilled negotiator
Teaching experience at the seminary level
Theology degree
Vital relationship with God

Question Title

* 3. The president of SFS must assume a number of roles. Below is a list of eight possible presidential roles. Please rank these in order of importance, given a "1" to the role that you believe is the most important for the next SFS president, a "2" to the second most important, and so on.

We would like for you to have an opportunity to describe in your own words what you think the challenges and opportunities facing SFS are and what kind of person the next president needs to be.

Question Title

* 4. What do you feel are the most important challenges and opportunities facing SFS in the next 5-10 years?

Question Title

* 5. What strengths does the next president need to lead SFS into the future?

Question Title

* 6. Name (optional)

Question Title

* 7. Email Address (optional)