Quality of Life

Think about you and your family and how the following questions affect them when completing this section. 

Question Title

* Do you feel safe in your community?

Question Title

* Rate the Quality of Life statements by choosing the answer that best represents how satisfied you are with the following services, programs or access to care in your community.

  Very Satisfied Satisfied Not Sure Dissatified Very Dissatisfied Not Applicable
Opportunity to participate in community activities ?
Access to quality mental health services?
Access to quality substance abuse services?
Access to quality dental care?
Access to quality health care?
Availability of daycare?
Quality of daycare?
Access to and coordination of high quality early childhood programs?
Quality of pre-schools?
Quality of K-12 schools?
Access and quality of after school programs?
Access to needed transportation?
Opportunities for job and career growth?
Access to job training programs?
Opportunities for higher education?
Access to veteran's services?
Programs that support seniors?
Programs that support substance abuse services?
Availability of affordable housing?
Outdoor air quality?
Indoor air quality in public places?
Local public water supply?
Well water supply?
Quality of environmental public service (garbage removal, litter pick up, sewage)?

Question Title

* Of those listed below, what are the three most important community concerns right now for you and/or your family? (select olny three)