1. Overview

Understanding where and how much game content is selling through various distribution channels is a topic all of us in the industry are discussing. To help find answers to these questions which are universal to all of us we're asking professionals like you to please complete this survey.

The goal of this survey is to understand established and emerging distribution channels. We are looking to study individual games and through what channels they sell. We are hoping to look at many different types of products. Feel free to complete this survey for as many products as you desire.

This information will be treated confidentially and we are not going to report any information on specific titles. Furthermore, we are mainly looking at percentages and ratios and not trying to get actual sales figures. If you are uncomfortable disclosing a specific product name, that's okay as long as we have genre information so we can classify the title.

To keep matters simple we are looking only at U.S. distribution. However, we realize in some cases for online distribution it may be hard to distinguish between U.S. and international sales. Therefore we ask you to note any significant differences between U.S. and international distribution.

Also we are focusing mainly on PC games, although we ask about other platform SKUs for each product.

This should only take a few minutes. For everyone that completes the survey for at least one product we will be sharing the results in the form of a report prepared by DFC Intelligence (again without breaking out specific products).

Please note that this survey is intended for publishing and development professionals that have knowledge of how a specific product is distributed. We are also doing consumer surveys asking about points of purchase and collecting actual data from the distribution channel. The goal is to triangulate these multiple data sources into a comprehensive picture of emerging distribution channels.

Question Title

* 1. Name of person completing survey

Question Title

* 2. Company Name

Question Title

* 3. Title

Question Title

* 4. Email Address