Thursday, June 20, 2013, at 11 a.m. PT /1 p.m. CT/2 p.m. ET
1 AIA CES accredited LU available for attendees

Installed on the utility side of an electrical service, a smart meter allows the utility to determine the quantity and time of electricity usage for setting rates and assessing charges. Installed on the facility side of an electrical service, a submeter allows an owner/operator to track quantity and time of electricity usage according to department, tenant, floor, or load type.

Consulting and specifying engineers can help their clients realize benefits with minimal investments by encouraging them to consider smart meters and submeters. Smart meters can help owners/operators manage (and, in many cases, lower) their electrical demand charges and prepare for the Smart Grid. Submeters may help them allocate charges by tenant or department as well as help them qualify for LEED points.

Learning objectives:
•The audience will understand how to match smart meters and submeters with specific applications and buildings
•Attendees will learn about specifying/commissioning smart meters and submeters for new building projects, or adding them in electrical system retrofits
•Viewers will learn about demand response scenarios, and how meters are used for this
•Viewers will understand what programs require building or tenant metering, such as Energy Star, U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED, etc.


• Chris Edward, KJWW Engineering Consultants, Naperville, Ill.

• Tom Divine, PE, Smith Seckman Reid Inc., Houston

• Moderator: Jack Smith, Consulting-Specifying Engineer, Pure Power, and CFE Media, LLC

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