There is considerable interest in ensuring that FIFO workers and their families get sufficient physical activity and quality time together. While there has been some research done into the FIFO lifestyle there are still quite polarised views about the benefits and drawbacks of FIFO.

The RTRA FIFO Riders Survey is designed to find out more about how trail bike riding fits the FIFO Lifestyle.

As part of our objective of ensuring trail bike riding is seen as a legitimate and beneficial recreation activity we're interested to know why, when and with whom FIFO workers ride to see how the activity compares to other forms of recreation.

This survey is anonymous and no identifying data is stored. It should only take five minutes to complete and will help the RTRA in our advocacy work.

Question Title

* 1. What best describes your riding history?

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* 2. Where do you ride (tick all that apply)

  Never Occasionally Regularly
In your home community
In your work community

Question Title

* 3. What other recreational or sporting activities do you do in your time off?

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* 4. Are there any recreation or sporting activities that you did pre-FIFO that you no longer do, or have substantially reduced, because they are now not practical for your rosters?

Question Title

* 5. What type of riding do you mainly do in your time off?

  Never Occasionally Regularly
MX / Circuit riding
Adventure touring (typically 650cc+ machines)
Trail bike touring - point to point or loops trails
Trail bike parks or Off Road Vehicle Areas

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* 6. What type of bike(s) do you ride?

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* 7. On approximately how many days each month would you go riding?

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* 8. On average, approximately how many hours of riding would you do each riding day?

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* 9. Approximately how much would you spend each year on your bikes, gear and riding?

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* 10. Do you ride with...

  Never Occasionally Regularly
Your family
Work colleagues
Other non-work riders

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* 11. How do you coordinate with other riders? (tick all that apply)

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* 12. If Internet group / online forum, which one/s?

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* 13. What do you most like about trail riding as a recreation for FIFO workers?

Question Title

* 14. Gender:

Question Title

* 15. Age

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* 16. Marital Status

Question Title

* 17. Annual household income