Question Title

* 1. Did you consider doing the CELTA course at other centres? Why did you choose to do the CELTA course at International House?

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* 2. Please comment on the pre-course process: initial information, application procedure, interview, course preparation etc

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* 3. Please comment on the CELTA course: input, teaching practice, assignments, observation etc

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* 4. Are there any particularly positive aspects of the CELTA course, or International House Sydney, you would like to comment on?

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* 5. What suggestions do you have to make the CELTA course, or International House Sydney, better?

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* 6. Now that you have finished your course do you intend to work in Australia or overseas? Do you already have employment arranged?

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* 7. IH Sydney offers graduates the distance learning ‘Young Learner’ and ‘Teaching One-to-One’ courses. Are there any other courses or workshops that you would like to see offered by IH?

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* 8. My trainer is professional and knows their subject well

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* 9. My trainer is encouraging and supportive

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* 10. I like the way the course is organised

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* 11. The kitchen is satisfactory

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* 12. The computers are satisfactory

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* 13. The WI-FI is satisfactory

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* 14. Level of student satisfaction

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* 15. I would recommend this course to a friend

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