The purpose of this survey of clergy deployment authorities is to ascertain the preparedness of seminary trained, recently-ordained clergy to deal with the increasing theological diversity of congregations. Keeping in mind the recently-ordained clergy you have worked to deploy over the last five years, please respond to the following questions.

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* 1. Generally speaking, how adequately equipped, generally, are recently-ordained clergy to work effectively with theological diversity in their congregations?

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* 2. Generally speaking, what attributes/qualities (cognitive, behavioral, or attitudinal) make recently-ordained clergy more effective in dealing with theological diversity in congregations?

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* 3. In your experience dealing with recently-ordained clergy, when/where in the preparation process did they acquire these helpful attributes/qualities (check all that apply and describe your thoughts in the comment field)?

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* 4. Generally speaking, what attributes or qualities (cognitive, behavioral, or attitudinal) make recently-ordained clergy less effective in dealing with theological diversity in congregations?

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* 5. In your experience dealing with recently-ordained clergy, when/where in the preparation process did they unlearn these unhelpful attributes/qualities (check all that apply and describe your thoughts in the comment field)?

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* 6. In your experience, what helpful attributes/qualities are missing in recently-ordained clergy that might have made them better able to deal with theological diversity in congregations.

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* 7. What is the best context for clergy in formation in which to learn helpful attributes/qualities for working with theological diversity this (and unlearn unhelpful ones)? Please describe your thoughts in the comment field.

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* 8. How prepared are recently-ordained clergy to prevent, plan for, constructively engage, and transform conflicts arising from theological and world-view differences?

  Very poorly Poorly Adequately Well Very well

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* 9. What attributes/qualities does it take to do that well?

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* 10. In what ways might pre-seminary, seminary, and post-seminary education be augmented to better enable new clergy to transform differences from division to gift?

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* 11. If you could create from scratch the ideal system for discernment, formation, and deployment for ordained ministry, in what way would it operate differently than the current system? In what ways would it look similar?

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* 12. Summary Comments: