The City of Midland’s Purchasing Division is committed to monitoring the quality of the services and products we provide, as part of an ongoing improvement process. We would appreciate your feedback on our performance.

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* 1. PERFORMANCE: Please rate the following aspects of our work:

  Poor Fair Good Excellent
Professionalism - Rate the courteousness and professionalism of our Purchasing staff
Communication - Rate how clearly we communicated with you during the bid process
Accessibility - Rate our accessibility (i.e. in person, by telephone or e-mail).
Responsiveness - Rate the timeliness of our response to your requests and needs
Process - Rate the purchasing process as open and fair.

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* 2. Will you participate in future City of Midland bid opportunities?

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* 3. In the last year, how many times have you visited the Purchasing webpages to view bid documents? Your best estimate is fine.

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* 4. When visiting the Purchasing webpages did you find what you were looking for?

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* 5. How would you rate the Purchasing Division’s webpages for the following:

  Poor Fair Good Excellent
Ease of navigation?
Quality of information?
Quantity of information?

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