The Student Activities Board (SAB) values your opinion and appreciates your time and attention. The feedback we receive from this survey will be used to plan future events for UK students, faculty and staff. Please allow 5-10 minutes to complete this survey. Read each question carefully and try to answer ALL questions. Questions marked with an asterisk are required and must be answered to complete the survey.

After fully completing the survey you will be entered into a drawing to win a number of prizes ranging from an iPad Mini, Beats pill speaker, and other various electronics.

Your response will help generate ideas for future events and programs that are brought to the University of Kentucky by the Student Activities Board (SAB). The deadline for completing this survey is Monday, October 27th. The winners of the prizes will be contacted via email no later than Wednesday, November 5. This is your opportunity to tell SAB what you want to bring to UK's campus. Thank you for your participation.