2014 Community Survey

You are invited by Council on Rural Services to take part in this survey!

Council on Rural Services (CORS) is a private non-profit organization who embodies a commitment to increasing the life chances of people of all ages. It is our intention to use innovative learning experiences to open the possibilities that exist in all of us to live an enriched life of purpose. Our programs support our belief that the vitality and creativity of the learning experience is the essential element in achieving our missions.

CORS offers early childhood programs, youth development programs, and volunteer and social programs for adults and seniors in nine counties in west-central Ohio: Auglaize, Champaign, Darke, Greene, Logan, Miami, Preble, Shelby, and Van Wert.

The information received through this survey is extremely valuable to us, and will be used in helping the organization understand the current perception about community needs and resident experiences. The information will also be useful in determining your familiarity with our organization, while giving us ideas for our organization's future.

Your participation in this survey is voluntary. Your answers will be kept confidential, and analyzed as a group by county.

The survey will take about 10 to 15 minutes to complete.

For questions regarding this survey, please contact Cristina Gonzalez at cgonzalez@councilonruralservices.org. To learn more about our organization visit us at www.councilonruralservices.org.

Thank you in advance for your time and feedback. Please have your responses posted by December 18, 2013

Question Title

* 1. Please check the box if there is a critical need for the following programs in each age group:

  0-3 3-5 5-12 12-18 18-54 55 and over
Health and wellness
Nutrition education
Mental health
Employment training
Personal financial training
Youth related
Teen related
Juvenile delinquency
Parent education
Adult education
Affordable housing
Domestic violence
Life management
Public transportation
Cultural competence

Question Title

* 2. Please check the box if there is a critical neef for the following programs in each age group (part 2)

  0-3 3-5 5-12 12-18 18-54 55 and over
English as a second language
After school
Early childhood education
Elementary education
Secondary education
Higher education
Alternative education
Drug abuse prevention
Food pantry
Utility assistance
Senior services
Access to technology
Community amenities
Retail/commercial business
Job development/creation

Question Title

* 3. Please tell us about services and/or programs in your community that have been eliminated or severely cut back.

Question Title

* 4. How serious are the following problems in your community:

  Not serious 2 3 4 Extremely serious
Quality education
Access to technology
Criminal activity
Teen pregnancy
Nutrition and fitness
Accessible medical health
Affordable recreational activities
Organized after school activities
Life skill development
Accessible mental health services
Illegal drug use
Job opportunities
Human trafficking

Question Title

* 5. Rank only the top five services to you and/or your family in order of importance, 1 being the most important.

  1 2 3 4 5
Affordable daycare
Quality early childhood education
Quality elementary education
Quality secondary education
Adult education
Medical services
Health and nutrition services
Mental health services
Disabilities services
Job training
Job opportunities
Youth employment
Adult care
Adequate transportation
School safety
Public safety
Afterschool activities
Affordable healthcare
Access to technology

Question Title

* 6. As a community partner, what type of organization would you say you are? (Select one response that best describes your organization)

Question Title

* 7. Describe your clients' obstacles when accessing your services.

Question Title

* 8. Describe your organization's obstacles when working with clients.

Question Title

* 9. What projects or initiatives are you (or your organization) working to implement (new) or expand (existing) during the next three to five years?

The following questions are aimed at learning more about your familiarity with Council on Rural Services as an agency, and its programs. Council on Rural Services is a private, non-profit organization who embodies a commitment to increasing the life changes of people of all ages. We provide comprehensive education and support services to individuals and families. Currently, most of our programs, including, early childhood education, and youth development, as well as volunteer and social programs for adults and seniors, are offered in nine counties in west-central Ohio.

Question Title

* 10. Before today, how familiar were you with:

  Not familiar 2 3 4 Very familiar
Council on Rural Services (the agency)

Question Title

* 11. Before today, how familiar were you with our programs, and have you used them?

  Not familiar 2 3 4 Very familiar Use(d)
A Kids Learning Place (KLP)
KLP (Center-based)
KLP (Home-based)
KLP (School-age)
Achievement Center for Educational Success (ACES)
Gateway Youth Programs
Retired Seniors Volunteer Program (RSVP)
Council on Rural Services' mission is to provide comprehensive education and support services to individuals and families. Our dedicated and knowledgeable staff members build partnerships with people of all ages, and inspire them to seek new opportunities which increase their potential for growth.

Question Title

* 12. Based on this mission statement, how does CORS mission and services fit into your organization's mission and goals?

Question Title

* 13. How could Council on Rural Services collaborate or partner with your organization to better meet the needs of your community.

These questions are for classification purposes only.

Question Title

* 14. Please select the option that best describes your highest level of education completed.

Question Title

* 15. Please select the option that best describes your marital status.

Question Title

* 16. What is your gender?

Question Title

* 17. Please list the age of all your children (e.g.0, 4, and 12) Skip if you do not have children.

Question Title

* 18. Please select the option that best describes your employment status.

Question Title

* 19. Please select the option that best describes your student status.

Question Title

* 20. Please select the option that best describes your total household income.

Question Title

* 21. Please select the option that best describes your ethnicity.

Question Title

* 22. Please select the option that best describes your race.

Question Title

* 23. What county do you ...?

  Auglaize Champaign Darke Greene Logan Miami Preble Shelby Van Wert
Reside in
Work at

Question Title

* 24. Do you have reliable transportation?

Question Title

* 25. What is the primary language used in your home?

Question Title

* 26. Please select all social media sites that you use.

Question Title

* 27. Who Referred you to this survey?