AS&S Candidate Application Form: India

...............CANDIDATE CONTACT INFORMATION.............

For each question candidate should enter the exact information and some of the fields in this section may have to be re-entered, e.g. School Name. In order to facilitate the process, consider using a text editor to contain the repeated information. Then use copy and paste to enter the repeated information into the appropriate fields.

Question Title

* 1. Candidate's Full Name

Question Title

* 4. Candidate's Age & Date of Birth(DOB)

Question Title

* 7. Candidate's Email Address

Question Title

* 10. If Candidate is a current member of AS&S, what is the email Address assigned to you?
(Note: Your email will end with

Question Title

* 11. Candidate's Residential Address

Question Title

* 12. Candidate's Contact Address (If different from Residential address)

Question Title

* 13. Candidate's Phone Number (Land Line)

Question Title

* 14. Candidate's Cell/Mobile Phone Number

Question Title

* 15. Please provide Emergency Contact's Full Name

Question Title

* 16. Please provide an Emergency Contact Number(Land line & Moblie Phone Number)

Question Title

* 17. Candidate's Father/local Guardian's Name, Address, Email and Phone information

Question Title

* 18. Candidate's Grade Level/Rank/Class/Percentage of marks obtained in the current or last Exam/Assessment.

......................................CANDIDATE'S DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION.......................................

Question Title

* 25. Besides English, list other languages you know

Question Title

* 26. Provide your family Ration Card Number

Question Title

* 30. What is the name of your School/College/University/Institute

Question Title

* 31. Enter your School/College/University/Institute address

Question Title

* 32. Please enter your current rank and/or Percentage of marks in your present or last exam/assessment

Question Title

* 34. Are You or Your family members being coverd under any insurance scheme, please specify the Type of Insurance Scheme you are involved into Select all that apply.

Question Title

* 37. How many Siblings do you have

......................CANDIDATE'S ACADEMIC INFORMATION..........................

Question Title

* 39. Would you be the FIRST in your family to finish (Tick mark all that apply)

Question Title

* 40. What Extracurricular activities are you interested in?

Question Title

* 41. What are your two highest Career Choices?

Question Title

* 43. Choice for your area of research:
In order to best match you with a mentor, please indicate your First (1st), Second (2nd), Third (3rd), Fourth (4th) and Fifth (5th) preferences.

  Highest - First Second Third Fourth Lowest - Fifth
Agriculture & Natural Resources
Architecture & Environmental Design
Atmospheric Science
Computer Science
Ecological Science
Environmental Science
Medical Sciences
Science Reporting/ Writing
Science Advocacy
Legal Science (Patent Law, etc)
Forensic Science
Linguistic Sciences
Library Science
Nutritional Science
Health Professions
Actuarial Science
Social Sciences
Botanical Sciences
Animal Husbandry
Veterinary Medicine
Complementary Medicine (Naturopathy, Chiropractic, Herbalism, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Unani, Ayurveda, Medicine, Yoga, Biofeedback, Hypnosis, Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Nutritional based therapies, etc.)

Question Title

* 44. What are your long term career goals?


Question Title

* 45. What is the name of the person who recommended you for membership?

Question Title

* 46. What Institute or organization was the person recommending from

Question Title

* 47. What is the email of the person who recommended you?

Question Title

* 48. In what year were you recommended (as yyyy)?

Question Title

* 52. Enter you Registration Number

Question Title

* 53. Enter Registration Date as Day/month/Year

I, the undersigned, am of legal adult age and certify that all information on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and understanding. I understand that my statements are subject to verification. I further understand that any false statements may subject me to criminal prosecution under Indian Penal Code(IPC).
I agree and accept that I will abide by all applicable rules and regulations of this program.
If you agree to all of the above, type your full name, state that you are the applicant, or the legal adult on behalf of the applicant, who completed this form.
Type one or the other of the following responses shown below:
I, (your name), am the applicant of legal adult age who has completed this form and have read, understood and agree to all the above.
I, (your name), am the adult of legal adult age, who has completed this form on behalf of the applicant and have read, understood and agree to all the above.

Question Title

* 54. Enter your response as indicated above

Question Title

* 55. Date Application Completed

© MMX by Association of Science and Society and Harlem Children Society.
All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Association of Science and Society and Harlem Children Society.