1. Instructions

This survey is for any woman living or working in the ACT or Queanbeyan, who is a Care Leaver/Forgotten Australian.

Care Leavers/Forgotten Australians are those people who, as children were placed in out-of-home care (Orphanages, foster homes and other institutions) in Australia, during the 20th Century.

The survey takes approximately 20 minutes to complete and all answers are confidential.

The survey is part of a Women's Centre for Health Matters (WCHM) project aimed at identifying the issues that currently affect women who are Care Leavers/Forgotten Australians within the ACT, in relation to their access to health and wellbeing services and their social connectedness. The reults will be presented in a final report and will be used to inform an understanding of the current needs of and issues facing the women in the ACT.

Please read each question carefully. Sometimes we have asked you to choose only one answer, and other times you can select as many answers as you like. There are also some open-ended questions where you can elaborate or comment on specific issues. Whilst most questions will require an answer, there is the option to select 'prefer not to answer' if you do not wish to answer that particular question.

WCHM would like to thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey. If you have any questions about this survey please contact WCHM on 6290 2166.