1. CAN Information Session

Thank you for participating in CAN. We value your contribution and input.

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* 1. Please tell us about yourself. Your information is treated as confidential and will not be shared outside of CDAC.

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* 2. Please tell us what you do.

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* 3. How did you promote CAN?

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* 4. Approximately how many people did you tell about CAN?

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* 5. What groups of people did you connect with about CAN? For example: healthcare workers; bank staff; police officers; accessibility committee; legal professionals etc.

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* 6. How useful are you finding the following CAN resources?

  Very useful Useful Not very useful
CAN videos
CAN slide presentation
CAN brochure on rights
CAN brochure for businesses
CAN postcards
CAN communication card
Online toolkit for people with communication disabilities
Online toolkit for clinicians
Online toolkit for advocates
Online resources for businesses

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* 7. Tell us about the response to your CAN promotions. We are interested in positive and negative feedback, actions taken, questions and concerns.

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* 8. What suggestions do you have on ways to increase awareness of communication access for people with communication disabilities?

Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback.