Sales Bar Course Feedback

Thank you in advance for taking our survey to help us improve our training courses in The Sales Bar.

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* 1. Have you improved your skills or grown as a rep/manager since you completed your training course?

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* 2. How likely is it that you would recommend Factor 8 training courses to a friend or colleague?

Not at all likely
Extremely likely

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* 3. How likely are you to purchase another training course in The Sales Bar?

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* 4. Overall, was 2 weeks the right length of time to complete your training course?

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* 5. How long did it take you to complete your training course?

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* 6. How do you feel about the price point for the training course you completed?

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* 7. What was your favorite part about your training course?

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* 8. What was your least favorite part about your training course?

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* 9. What could we have added to improve your experience in The Sales Bar? Select all that apply.

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* 10. Do you think any reps or managers on your team would benefit from sales training?

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* 11. Would you like to learn more about other training courses/programs we have available?

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* 12. Do you have a friend, colleague, or client who would benefit from rep or manager training? Please include their name, email, phone, and company below.

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* 13. Please share your contact information.