1. PLEASE COMPLETE ASAP - Survey closing in next few days - thank you!

This survey is about workplace bullying. It will ask you to identify whether you have ever been victim to or witnessed workplace bullying. If, however, you find this subject matter too distressing or upsetting, please do not participate.

Informed Consent - By completing this questionnaire about workplace bullying you are giving informed consent to the use of the data – which is completely anonymous - contained herein for research purposes.

Confidentiality – It is hoped that you will answer the questions contained herein as honestly as possible. To further enable this, your response to this survey will be anonymous to the researchers, the Irish Health Service and anyone associated with National College of Ireland and National University of Ireland, Galway. Furthermore, you are reminded to avoid using real names when offering responses and to be mindful of giving away any information which will make you identifiable e.g. job title or place of work. Your response will be collated and all data will be held confidentially and destroyed upon the successful completion of the study.

Your participation in this study is voluntary.