"Building a Team, Assessment & Action Planning" Webinar Follow Up Survey

Thank you for attending the AFHK Parent Leadership Series webinar. Please give us your opinions on the webinar and your intentions regarding the information you received. Your feedback will help us improve future webinars for parents and school leaders.

Question Title

* 1. How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Participation on this webinar...

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
a. Provided me with a basic understanding of the value of building a wellness team at my school.
b. Provided me with knowledge and strategies for building a strong wellness team at my school.
c. Provided me with a basic understanding of why wellness assessments are important to conduct before projects get underway.
d. Provided me with knowledge and information on how to research and choose an assessment for my team to use.
e. Provided me with a basic understanding of the action planning process and its importance for my team's efforts.
f. Provided me with new ideas, strategies and tools for implementing healthy, sustainable practices in my school/district.
g. Helped me to feel more positive about advocating for healthier school practices in my school/district.