CCSA 2013 Fall Regional Meeting Survey

Thank you for taking a few minutes to provide your feedback on our Regional Meetings! Your input will help us to improve future meetings.

Question Title

* 2. For how many years have you worked with/for (a) charter school(s)?

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* 3. Which Regional Meeting(s) were you invited to attend?

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* 4. Please indicate the extent to which the following influenced your decision not to attend the Regional Meeting:

  Not a factor Somewhat Significant N/A
a. Inconvenient day
b. Inconvenient time
c. Inconvenient location
d. Did not know about the meeting
e. Agenda items were not of interest to me
f. Agenda items were not applicable to me
g. Had a negative experience at a previous meeting
h. Another representative from my school attended

Question Title

* 5. Please provide any additional comments or suggestions for how we could improve and encourage your attendance at future regional meetings.

Thank you for your input! We hope you join us for our next Regional Meeting.