Interpreting Australia's Privacy Act Amendments

From March 12, 2014, Australian organisations will need to comply with a revised Privacy Act.

The new act has particularly important implications for any business that hold data on a large numbers of consumers - such as telecommunications providers and utilities, retailers, marketing agencies and loyalty programs, media organisations and logistics companies.

In early December 2013, iTnews and SC Magazine hosted a workshop in Sydney to help map what system changes will be required for compliance with the new Act.

The working group has now completed a detailed report for CIOs and CSOs. Please register below to receive a free copy of this report on the date it is published.

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* Are you interested in receiving our detailed report/recommendations for compliance with the revised Privacy Act? [To be sent directly to your inbox in January, 2013]

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* Would you be interested in receiving additional advice and resources from our report sponsors on compliance with the Act?

- Blannco is a firm that helps organisations with the secure (complete) destruction of data from computers and media.
- Imperva is an IT security vendor focused on the securing of customer records
- Splunk is a data analytics vendor focused on generating business insights from machine data.

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