20% of survey complete.
Welcome to the Washougal School District Family Perspectives Survey
Thank you for participating in our survey. Your feedback is important.
Certain characteristics of a school can affect student learning. This survey asks for your views about our school so we can improve and provide the best possible education for your child.

If you have children in multiple schools, we would appreciate your feedback on each school. You will need to re-take the survey for each school.

It will take you 5–10 minutes per school to respond to the statements about the chosen school. The survey uses a 5-point scale, with 1 meaning you “don’t agree at all” with the statement, and 5 meaning you “agree completely.” (Mark the box at the end when you don’t know or the statement does not apply.)

Please respond honestly to each statement. All responses will be anonymous and remain confidential. Participation is voluntary, and not responding to the survey will not affect your child in any way.