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* 1. The new curriculum has new 'modules' (educational THEMES) to replace the old headings. We hope they are easier to understand and provide better structure. Are they better than the old headings?

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* 2. If you have any comments about the structure of the proposed GP curriculum, please add them below. In particular, would you reword, delete or add any new THEMES?

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* 3. And now onto the SUBHEADINGS. The biggest changes are to subheadings under themes 1, 3, 4 and 5. Are they better than before - i.e. easier to understand, worded & structured better?

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* 4. Do you have any comments about the subheadings? In particular - any subheadings that should be reworded, changed, deleted or added?

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* 5. Overall, how user-friendly is the newly proposed enhanced GP curriculum?

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* 6. If you have any other comments or thoughts, we would be glad to hear of them.