Tell us what you thought of Baltimore Innovation Week 2013 so next year's events can be even stronger!

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* 1. Add your email address to receive updates about Baltimore Innovation Week (about 3-5 per year) 

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* 2. How did you find out about Baltimore Innovation Week?

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* 3. How many events did you attend?

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* 4. What types of events did you attend?

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* 5. Of the events that you attended, how would you rate their quality?

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* 6. Did Baltimore Innovation Week help raise the profile of the local technology community?

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* 7. Were you able to attend all of the events that you had hoped to during Baltimore Innovation Week?

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* 8. What did you like best about Baltimore Innovation Week 2013, and how can we make it better?

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* 9. What is your gender?

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* 10. Which category below includes your age?

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* 11. In what ZIP code is your home located? (enter 5-digit ZIP code; for example, 21217 or 21230)