Share Your Business Excellence Award Story

This year is a very special year for the Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards (BEA). This year, we celebrate our 25th anniversary! And what better way to celebrate than showing off some of our past award recipients! Please take a moment to share your BEA story with us. It is our intention to feature past award recipient stories as a lead up to the Awards this April. We appreciate your time and support of local business excellence.

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* 1. Please tell us about yourself?

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* 2. What value did being a finalist and winner of a Business Excellence Award bring to you and/or your business?

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* 3. How has winning a Business Excellence Award impacted you and/or your business?

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* 4. Since winning your Business Excellence Award, what's new with you and/or your company?

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* 5. Why is celebrating local Business Excellence important to you?

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* 6. Who would you like to see nominated for an award this year?