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New Fair Work (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments)
Amendment Regulations 2011 (No.1)

Measuring the implications of the original Regulation of 4 August 2011

N.B. This is the first of two surveys. This survey is designed specifically for organisations who were listed in the Pay Equity Regulation of 4 August 2011. A second broader survey will be conducted in the near future to gather data on the extent of wage pressures and underfunding for all organisations in the Queensland Community Services Sector. Please only complete this survey if you were listed in the Pay Equity Regulations of 4 August 2011.

The Federal Government has announced that the original Pay Equity Regulations will be repealed and replaced in order to consider the concerns of employers and peak organisations in the sector and the impact of the back pay obligations.

As this consultation process unfolds, we will continue to advocate on behalf of the sector but we need your continued support to ensure that we come to the best possible outcome. As such, we want to continue to collect data on the impacts of the original Regulations through a survey of the 316 affected organisations.

We hope that as an organisation listed in the original Regulations you will take time to fill out the survey to provide us with information that can be used to assist in the consultations that will take place with the government.

We acknowledge that there is ambiguity over which rates would apply, so for the purposes of this survey we are after estimated figures only.

The purpose of this initial survey is to feed into our short-term advocacy around a re-drafted Regulations, however we are committed to long term advocacy around the need for funding the full cost of service delivery across the whole sector. We will be seeking further information and more accurate data for this purpose in a future survey.

The survey asks for your organisation’s name in order to track responses; however unless permission by you is granted, the data will be used as de-identified, aggregate data only.

Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey.

For the latest news on the Regulations visit

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* 1. Service Provider Name

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* 2. Contact Person

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* 3. Position

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* 4. Phone

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* 5. Email

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* 6. Total number of employees (Full Time Equivalent)?

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* 7. Total number of people supported per month

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* 8. Do you believe that your organisation a trading corporation?

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* 9. Have you sought legal advice to determine your trading status?

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* 10. What did you estimate the back pay cost would be for your organisation to 1 January 2010 as was required under the original Regulation? Please estimate a total and an allocation per funding stream.

N.B. You need to enter a plain number with no dollar signs, commas, etc.

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* 11. The Federal Government has indicated that its intention is to ensure that the current Queensland rates are paid to SACS workers from the 1 October 2011 as previously advised. What do you estimate the increase in your wages bill will be per annum for your organisation? Please estimate a total and an allocation per funding stream.

N.B. You need to enter a plain number with no dollar signs, commas, etc.

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* 12. If your organisation has insufficient funding to cover the rates from 1 October how does your organisation plan to cover the costs (you can choose more than 1)?

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* 13. Total wages bill before any regulation for the 2011 – 12 financial year.

N.B. You need to enter a plain number with no dollar signs, commas, etc.

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* 14. Total wages bill as required by the original Regulation for the 2011 – 2012 financial year (including backpay for that financial year and ongoing wage costs)?

N.B. You need to enter a plain number with no dollar signs, commas, etc.

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* 15. Did your organisation receive any supplementation from the Queensland Government after the QIRC decision on the QCS&CA Award?

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* 16. If yes, how much supplement did you receive for the 2009 – 2010 financial year?

N.B. You need to enter a plain number with no dollar signs, commas, etc.

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* 17. If yes, how much supplement did you receive for the 2010 – 2011 financial year?

N.B. You need to enter a plain number with no dollar signs, commas, etc.

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* 18. If yes, how much supplement will you receive for the 2011 – 2012 financial year?

N.B. You need to enter a plain number with no dollar signs, commas, etc.

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* 19. Has your organisation already chosen to implement the Queensland Community Services and Crisis Assistance Award State 2008 rates?

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* 20. How have you implemented the increases (select any that apply)?

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* 21. If your organisation had insufficient funding to cover the full cost of back pay and higher rates as required under the original Regulations how did your organisation plan to cover the costs (you can choose more than 1)?

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* 22. Please quantify the cost to your organisation of preparing to implement the original Regulations (i.e. not direct costs as required by the Regulations, but the cost of staff time understanding obligations, calculating backpay, etc)?

N.B. You will need to enter a plain number without any dollar signs, commas, etc.

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* 23. Any further comments?

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* 24. Are you happy for the data you have provided in the survey to be shared with your funding bodies within the Queensland Government as a means of sharing the impact the Regulation might have on your individual organisation?