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* 1. Please select the position that best describes your role in school health

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* 2. How satisfied were you with the content of the webinar for the Funding Guide?

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* 3. How useful is the Funding Guide for helping realize your goals for sustaining prevention programs?

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* 4. What sections of the Funding Guide were useful? (Check all that apply)

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* 5. Have you shared this guide with colleagues/collaborators?

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* 6. If you HAVE shared this guide with colleagues/collaborators, please indicate with whom.

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* 7. If you have NOT shared this guide with colleagues/collaborators, please indicate why.

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* 8. What action steps have resulted from using the Funding Guide?

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* 9. What challenges have you encountered in your efforts to promote prevention-related activities?

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* 10. What additional technical assistance or resources would make using the Funding Guide more effective?

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* 11. What other resources would you like to see developed by CHHCS in the future?

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* 12. What other feedback about the webinar and/or Funding Guide do you have to improve our work and dissemination of our work in the future ?