1. Survey of the 2014 AHCT Symposium

Please provide us with your feedback on your experience at the 2014 AHCT Symposium. All responses are anonymous, unless you choose to indicate your name/contact information in the comment boxes. Thank you for taking a few minutes to share your thoughts. This is valuable information that will provide input into the planning of future AHCT symposia.

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following most closely matches your current professional situation?

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* 2. How many times in the past have you attended an AHCT Symposium in El Paso?

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* 3. How likely are you to attend an AHCT Symposium in future years?

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* 4. How satisfied are you with the following aspects of the 2014AHCT Symposium?

  Extremely satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neutral Somewhat dissatisfied Extremely dissatisfied Don't know/NA
Abstract submission process
Conference registration process
Volunteer sign-up process
Chamizal ticket-acquisition process
Pre-conference communication of information
Conference program
Conference meeting facilities
Technology available in conference rooms
Hilton guestrooms (if you stayed there)
Overall hotel ammenities at the Hilton
Quality of conference sessions
Quantity/diversity of conference sessions
Plenary session
Pizza party for graduate students & newcomers
Chamizal performances
Post-performance roundtable discussions at the Chamizal
Transportation to/from the Chamizal

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* 5. Did you take advantage of the evening Hospitality Suite gatherings during the Symposium?

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* 6. We would like to have a more solid idea of how many guestrooms will be needed for future Symposia. To this end, it would help us to know about participant preferences. When booking a hotel room for the AHCT Symposium, which rooming option to you typically prefer? (Please answer even if you might not attend in 2015).

Question Title

* 7. Recommendations of Theatre Companies and Plenary Speakers: If you have suggestions for Theatre Companies that might be encouraged to submit proposals to the Chamizal for future Siglo de Oro festivals, or if you would like to recommend a future AHCT Plenary Speaker, please provide names below, and contact information if available. Please also state briefly why you think the company or individual should be considered.

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* 8. In your opinion, what are the areas in which the 2014 AHCT Symposium was most successful, or "got it right"?

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* 9. What are the areas in which the greatest improvements are needed in future AHCT Symposia, in your estimation?

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* 10. If you have any other comments, suggestions, or ideas you wish to share with the symposium organizers, please use the space below to do so. Thank you very much for taking the time to provide us with your feedback!