1. Introduction

In previous years TSSA has conducted pay surveys for our members to gather your views on what your priorities are and 2015 is no different.

For the 2014 talks we concentrated on getting a better headline pay figure and were succesful as we acheived an inflation based offer on RPI (Retail Prices index). This was due to TSSA pushing to settle the pay deal in a timely manner to ensure that staff that were due to TUPE transfer to Network rail would have their payrise before they transfered.
In 2015 we have a similar issue with those in High Output track renewals due to TUPE transfer on 31 March 2015 and therfore it may be wise to follow a similar strategy although we will be lead by our members.

Therefore we are keeping this survey simple but there will be scope for you to add additional comments.

Please complete this survey by no later than Noon on Tuesday 18th November. This will allow the anonamised results to be shared with your reps before a meeting with your representatives on 20th November to formulate TSSA's pay claim.

Thank you for your time.