
Information Sheet
Hello my name is Aliza Azani and I am currently studying a Masters in Clinical and Abnormal Psychology at the University of South Wales. Thank you so much for participating and agreeing to answer my questions. The questionnaire is very short and will take only about 5 to 15 minutes of your time. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me at 13059068@southwales.ac.uk and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Please read on below for more information.

Purpose of research: To investigate similarities and differences in children with learning disabilities and/or developmental disorders. I am conducting a research project on similarities and/or differences between non-diagnosed children and children with varying diagnoses in the area of co-ordination.

What you will do in this research: As a volunteer, you will only be asked to complete a questionnaire regarding your child.

Time required: The questionnaire will take approximately 5 to 15 minutes.

Risks: There are no risks involved with volunteering in this study. However if any of the questions are sensitive to you, you can withdraw at any time.

Benefits: Your responses will contribute to our understanding of children with learning disabilities and developmental disorders.

Confidentiality: All your responses shall be kept confidential. At no point in the research will your identity be revealed. The only people that will have access to the data are my dissertation supervisor and I. The responses information, without your name, will be kept for the purposes of this research.

Participation and withdrawal: Your participation in this study is completely voluntary, and you may refuse to participate or withdraw without any reason.

• To contact the supervisor: If you have questions or concerns about this research, please contact my dissertation supervisor. Prof Ian Stuart-Hamilton: ian.stuart-hamilton@southwales.ac.uk