Thank you for choosing Air Link as your air ambulance provider. Please rate the following statements as they relate to your experience with Air Link. If not satisfied, please explain in the text box at the bottom. All questions are optional and comments are appreciated. We value any input you may have for improving our service.

Question Title

* 1. Name 

Question Title

* 2. Email address

Question Title

* 3. Name of sending facility

Question Title

* 4. Name of receiving facility

Question Title

* 5. Date/Time of flight


Question Title

* 6. Please list your title (RN, MD, EMT, etc)

Question Title

* 8. Why did you choose Air Link? Please check all that apply.

Question Title

* 9. If you have had the opportunity to use another flight service, what factors led you to make that decision? Please check all that apply.

Question Title

* 11. If no, what could have been handled differently?

Question Title

* 12. Please evaluate the following statements in regard to your satisfaction level.

  Not Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Extremely Satisfied N/A
Accuracy of the estimated time of arrival
Changes in arrival time were communicated to your facility
Was concern shown to the patient and family by the flight personnel?
Competence demonstrated by the flight personnel
Respect shown to you and your staff
Attention given to your report about the patient
Flight transport personnel worked together to care for the patient
Ease of working with the Air Link transport service
Overall rating of Air Link transport service

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* 15. What other educational topics would you like to see Air Link offer?

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* 17. Other comments: