Welcome and Introduction

Welcome to the 2014 survey of the use of technology for access and inclusion in the UK Further Education and Skills Sector. This survey is being conducted jointly by Jisc and NATSPEC the Association of Specialist Colleges to support the DART 2.1 Project - DART 2.1 (Disseminating Assistive Roles and Technology 2.1) is a Jisc funded project which will provide free training for those involved in providing assistive technology support for disabled learners. DART projects also provide free resources for the sector via Jisc's national repository Jorum - http://find.jorum.ac.uk/resources/18253

You are asked to answer all the questions that are applicable to your circumstances as someone working within the UK Further Education and Skills Sector, which includes work-based learning, community learning, further education colleges, specialist colleges and offender learning.

Who should fill it in?

In this survey we want to get the perspective of both managers and practitioners.

It would be useful if you could pass the link for this survey - to a manager in your organisation if you are not yourself a manager and to a practitioner if you yourself are a manager or in another role.

If your college has a member of staff with a designated role for providing assistive technology support then this should be one of the people who completes the questionnaire.

Thank you in advance for completing this questionnaire, which will help the partners and the wider sector to understand how technologies, including digital technologies are being used in the sector and help to inform the work of sector bodies and funding agencies. We appreciate your participation in the survey and are happy to send you a copy of the final report if you complete the contact details.

The research is being carried out by Jisc and Natspec and we will ensure that all responses, including any contact information entered in the survey, are treated as confidential. All reports and presentations of the data will be anonymised to ensure your confidentiality.
Definition of Assistive Technology

For the purposes of this project assistive technology will be taken to mean any item of hardware or software designed or used in order to make access to general IT or technology, teaching or learning resources and the wider curriculum easier for an individual learner who may have any combination of disabilities or learning difficulties.